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Consultancy of VC Funding

Venture Capital is a complex topic that Entrepreneurs cannot miss. Raising capital is a lot harder than it looks, you need expert advice as it is not your core activity of the business.

Raising capital is a big commitment of time, effort, money, and emotion. To avoid wasting valuable startup cycles, founders should advance their company to a point where the deal is “fundable” before embarking on the money hunt. We offer Venture Capital (VC) consultancy to the founders so that they ensure that their startup is “fundable” and they approach the VCs in the right way with the right tools.

You’ll get the following benefits from the consultation call:

  • Fundability Check: You can get the basic analysis of your startup’s fundability, whether it could be funded, whether it is the right time to raise funds and whether the amount you are looking to raise is good or not?
  • Pitch Deck Doubts Clarifications: You can clarify your doubts about the pitch deck, find out which slides to include and which slides to exclude.
  • Expert Opinion: Get the expert opinion. You can ask any question related to venture capital.
  • VC Search & Approach: You can learn how to search for VCs yourself and then approach them for raising funds for your startup.
  • Save Time: You will be able to save a lot of time by learning from the expert directly.